2nd Euro-Argo / 7th International Argo Delayed-Mode QC workshop
May 12-15, 2020
National Oceanography Centre, British Oceanographic Data Centre, Liverpool
Organised by Campus members
2nd Euro-Argo / 7th International Argo Delayed-Mode QC workshop
May 12-15, 2020 in BODC, Liverpool
Attention, in application of the precautionary principle in the face of the Covid 19 epidemic, the event is postponed to a later date.
The agenda of the workshop will focus on the following topics:
A full day of interactive session dedicated to looking at examples and best practices for salty-drifting CTDs and other regional cases, including marginal seas
Deep-Argo QC procedures
Introduction of BODC's Python version of the OWC tool
Compilation of the DMQC Cookbook
The collaborative framework for DMQC: how to use and contribute to online tools (repositories, Github issues) and QC forum
Miscellaneous DMQC discussions: machine learning methods development, access to and content of reference data, other shared tools (visualization), how to keep track of delayed-mode operators, etc.
The workshop will be held over 4 days and will include a Deep Argo session.