ENIB is a leading public engineering school affiliated to the IMT group. It trains general engineers in electronics, computer science and mechatronics, in the service of business and in conjunction with top-level research. It offers original courses focusing on students' commitment to society and engineering responsibility. The school offers four masters degrees and two doctorate courses. ENIB is a member of UMR IRDL and LabSticc, ED MathSTIC and SPI, Carnot ARTS, Labex CominLabs, EUR ISblue and the "I&R" competitiveness cluster. The school is a co-founder of the Alliance Universitaire de Bretagne.
ENIB celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2021!
Follow us on social networks: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube
UMR IRDL: https://irdl.fr/
UMR Lab-STICC: https://www.labsticc.fr/fr/francais/
ED MathSTIC: https://ed-mathstic.doctorat-bretagneloire.fr/
ED SPI: https://ed-spi.doctorat-bretagneloire.fr/
Institut Carnot ARTS: https://www.instituts-carnot.eu/fr/institut-carnot/arts
EUR ISblue: https://www.isblue.fr/fr/
ENI Group: https://www.ingenieur-eni.fr/