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      • Hytech-imaging aims to develop the uses of spectral imaging by:
        1. Offering flexible, low-cost ad hoc acquisition services for satellite (micro and nano-satellites), airborne (aircraft and UAVs), terrestrial and underwater data;
        2. Proposing effective methods for extracting information from these data on remotely accessible platforms in different fields of application, initially earth observation and coastal environment monitoring;
        3. Offering value-added operational services using spectral images.
          • HYTECH IMAGING
          • Contact
          • 115 rue Claude Chappe
          • Technopôle Brest-Iroise
          • 29280 PLOUZANÉ
          • Office phone 06 22 41 89 93
          • References
          • SHOM - French Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service
            AFB - French Biodiversity Agency
            CNES - French National Centre for Space Studies
            IFREMER - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
            IRSTEA - French National Institute for Research in Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture
            GIPREB - Joint Etang de Berre Syndicate
            PNMI - Iroise Natural Marine Park
            CRPMEM - Comité Régional des Pêches maritimes et des élevages marins de Bretagne (Regional Committee for Maritime Fisheries and Marine Fish Farming in Brittany)
            Port of Brest / Brittany Region
            University research laboratories
          • Company workforce
          • 10 employees
Campus mondial de la mer
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
525, Avenue Alexis de Rochon
29280 Plouzané
Contact us
  • Brest Métropole
  • Région Bretagne
  • https://www.tech-brest-iroise.fr/
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