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      • INPI

      • INPI is a public body responsible for registering and issuing industrial property titles. Its missions place it at the heart of the creation and innovation process of French companies by facilitating the protection and promotion of their innovations.

        The INPI offers personalised support and financial assistance to help companies and start-ups protect their innovations, define their industrial property strategy and secure their intangible assets.

        The Institute provides free and open access databases (www.data.inpi.fr) on patents, trademarks, designs and companies. It is also the operator of the one-stop shop for business formalities (creations, modifications, cessations) and manages the national register of companies.

        # Trademark, patent, design, copyright, software, database, international, contract, strategy, company formalities
          • INPI
          • Contact
          • Bâtiment Le Newton 3B avenue de Belle Fontaine
          • 35510 CESSON-SÉVIGNÉ
          • Office phone 01 56 65 89 98
          • Company workforce
          • More than 100 employees
Campus mondial de la mer
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
525, Avenue Alexis de Rochon
29280 Plouzané
Contact us
  • Brest Métropole
  • Région Bretagne
  • https://www.tech-brest-iroise.fr/
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