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      • A national centre for scientific, technical and industrial culture dedicated to the ocean, Océanopolis is also Brittany's leading tourist attraction. More than 12 million visitors have been welcomed since its creation in 1990, offering visitors of all ages a dive into the heart of marine biodiversity.

        Driven by its raison d'être: "Sharing knowledge and creating emotions to change the way we look at the ocean", Océnaopolis contributes to the development of oceanic knowledge by supporting projects such as Objectif Plancton, a participative science programme involving yachtsmen and studying the impact of climate change on the plankton population.

        Océanopolis is also involved in efforts to preserve marine biodiversity through breeding and conservation activities. For more than 20 years, Océanopolis has developed expertise in coral cuttings and has set up a breeding centre to avoid taking samples from the natural environment.

        Finally, Océanopolis is a formidable educational tool, a place for sharing and exchanging knowledge through the Ecole de l'Océan, which welcomes 35,000 schoolchildren every year, its training programmes for teachers and the events programme offered throughout the year for young and old alike.
        The three pavilions - tropical, polar and temperate - take visitors on a journey from the tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic, via the roadstead of Brest and the coast of Brittany, to give them a better understanding of today's environmental challenges, thanks in particular to fun awareness-raising tools.

        Finally, Océanopolis is also committed on a daily basis to :

        - ensuring that animal welfare is respected, and Océanopolis is involved in the DDPP veterinary training programme.
        - Reducing pollution at sea through its actions since 2020 as part of the Interreg Preventing Plastic Pollution programme.
        - limiting the impact of climate change by undertaking its energy transition through major insulation work and the installation of 1,500m² of photovoltaic panels.
        - Promoting social cohesion, accessibility and equity by offering attractive rates.

        Océanopolis is preparing its metamorphosis from 2023 to 2025, an ambitious transformation project to :
        -adapt its museographic offer to the oceanic challenges of today and tomorrow,
        strengthen its impact in terms of education, particularly with the youngest visitors, today's influencers and tomorrow's parents, with the creation of a unique 450m² area in France for 6-12 year-olds
        Offer a fluid, easy-to-use visitor route, better integrated into the Moulin Blanc promenade.

        Understanding is the first step towards action!
          • Contact
          • Port de Plaisance du Moulin Blanc
          • BP 91039
          • 29210 BREST CEDEX 1
          • Office phone 02 98 34 40 40
          • Fax 02 98 34 40 69
          • Company workforce
          • From 51 to 99 employees
Campus mondial de la mer
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
525, Avenue Alexis de Rochon
29280 Plouzané
Contact us
  • Brest Métropole
  • Région Bretagne
  • https://www.tech-brest-iroise.fr/
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