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News Infrastructures
News Infrastructures
      • New on the portal: Abyssens

      • This month, discover the Abyssens submarine acoustics platform: Sea Works Acoustics Analyser.
      • New on the portal: Abyssens
      • The acoustics post processing analysis software and the automatic regulatory report publishing. Sea Works Acoustics Analyser is dedicated to the acoustics post processing analysis during sea works (pile driving) and the automatic regulatory report publishing (threshold, impact zone, ambient noise).

        This assessment of acoustic levels is in agreement with the following regulations : European and French recommendations, American, German and Swedish regulations.

        No information is required: Sea Works Acoustics Analyser allows you to acquire new capabilities while freeing yourself from environmental and regulatory knowledge specific to the underwater acoustics surveys.

        Using this software directly by yourself you can optimize your time by being independent on this subject.

        The platform on the Marine research infrastructures and facilites portal


        Logo Hytech-imaging



        Located in Lorient area (Brittany, France), the engineering office Abyssens works mainly in underwater acoustics and is specialized in two areas :

        • Customer-specific studies
        • Acoustics data analysis software

        Building on its 6 years of experience in the underwater acoustics field, its wide capabilities allow ambient and ship radiated noise measurement, transmission loss modeling, impact studies as well as detection and classification of sound sources. In addition of these specific skills, its expertise expands to signal and image processing, artificial intelligence, software development and data management.


        You would like more information on the facilities displayed on the portal?
        Please contact: 

        Alice de  Joux

        Alice de Joux
        Project coordinator
        Technopôle Brest-Iroise, Campus mondial de la mer

      • Published on 30/03/2021
Campus mondial de la mer
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
525, Avenue Alexis de Rochon
29280 Plouzané
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  • Région Bretagne
  • https://www.tech-brest-iroise.fr/
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