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      • S.O.M.M.E. listening to marine ecosystems

      • The SOMME study office (Multi-Modal Environmental Observation Society) combines life sciences and engineering to specialize in the study of aquatic ecosystems. With innovative technologies, SOMME is an expert in passive acoustics, offering in-situ measurement and analysis solutions for underwater sounds. These observations help to better understand and manage the impacts of human activities on these natural environments.
      • *In-situ measurements refer to data collected directly in the studied natural environment.

        Meeting with Delphine Mathias, Director of S.O.M.M.E.

        Delphine Mathias, Director and Project Manager at S.O.M.M.E., graduated as an engineer from ENSIETA in Brest (ENSTA Bretagne) before earning a Ph.D. from the prestigious Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego (USA) in 2012. Specializing in underwater acoustics, signal processing, and acoustic propagation, Delphine studies marine mammals using passive acoustics. She optimizes the deployment of measurement instruments and their experimental protocols for greater precision and reliability.
        Crédit : S.O.M.M.E

        Focus on the innovative project by Skye Wynn-Simmonds

        Among the innovative projects of S.O.M.M.E., the one led by Skye Wynn-Simmonds, a CIFRE PhD student at the Chizé Biological Studies Centre, focuses on the influence of anthropogenic noise on the behavior of harbor seals (such as foraging and breeding behavior). Using telemetry tags attached to the animals, Skye tracks the movements of these mammals and models the sound levels to which they are exposed. Co-funded by Éoliennes Offshore du Calvados, this project represents the perfect alliance between applied research and industry. Its findings will help adjust offshore construction practices to minimize the impact on wildlife.

        Crédit : S.O.M.M.E

        SOMME within the Écosphère group

        S.O.M.M.E is part of the Écosphère group, an environmental consultancy founded in 1988, dedicated to nature conservation and sustainable development. A member of the European Renewable Energy and Wildlife Consortium (ERWC), S.O.M.M.E is committed to a European approach, actively participating in initiatives aimed at balancing energy transition with the protection of marine biodiversity.

        A call for local collaboration

        S.O.M.M.E is currently looking to strengthen its collaborations with the local community, rich in marine and maritime expertise. One of S.O.M.M.E's main challenges is the management and security of environmental data. Campus members, feel free to reach out to Delphine to discuss these topics and explore new collaboration opportunities together: mathias.somme@orange.fr

      • En savoir Plus
         S.O.M.M.E. website

        S.O.M.M.E. website

      • Published on 11/06/2024
Campus mondial de la mer
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
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