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Ocean Hackathon®: an ocean of data!

Research organizations and administrations gather extensive datasets to enhance understanding and support public policy. Ocean Hackathon® provides a platform to harness the vast potential of these datasets in addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. Participants worldwide gain access to a diverse array of datasets essential for tackling these challenges and enriching their prototypes. 

Event organizers, international data providers, and local contributors collect data spanning small-scale, global, and regional contexts. Some datasets available during Ocean Hackathon® are not typically accessible for free.

As part of Ocean Hackathon®, numerous data partners collaborate to furnish teams with data and tools necessary for their projects. 

Find beside the data partners for 2023.

Support for participants in navigating and utilizing data during Ocean Hackathon® includes:

  1. Ocean Hackathon® data catalogue: Participants can search for, visualize, and access data through this catalogue. Access to the Data Catalogue is available throughout the event.
  2. Tutorials and resources: All data tutorials and resources are consolidated in a dedicated section on the Ocean Hackathon® website. Participants can access these resources during the event to enhance their understanding and use of the available data.
  3. Data coaches: Experienced data coaches are available both on-site and remotely to provide assistance to teams. An online Data Coach Centre facilitates communication and support between coaches and participants, ensuring teams receive guidance in leveraging data effectively for their projects.
Campus mondial de la mer
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
525, Avenue Alexis de Rochon
29280 Plouzané
  • Brest Métropole
  • Région Bretagne
  • https://www.tech-brest-iroise.fr/
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