Atelier sur la planification maritime intelligente face au climat pour les usages et besoins futurs des mers.
27 mars 2025
On line
Evénement d'intérêt pour le Campus
The European MSP Platform is delighted to invite you to its upcoming Workshop on Climate-smart Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) for Future Uses/Needs of the Seas on the 27th of March 2025. Building on the MSP Assistance Mechanism background technical study from 2024 “Future Uses/Needs of the Seas: Integration of climate-smart trends and new technologies in maritime spatial planning”, the European MSP Platform is organizing this online workshop, where the MSP authorities and practitioners will engage in a dialogue to discuss the current developments, encountered challenges and the way forward for effective integration of climate adaptation and mitigation priorities, targets and climate-smart technologies in the national MSP plans.